Legit Automated Security Guardrails for AppSec
by Harshil Parikh on
It is a tale as old as time, or in this case, a tale as old as code. Since the inception of applications, Security and Development teams have struggled to find a good balance between delivery/deployment speed and implementing security. This tale was only exasperated by the digital transformation where DevOps propelled applications and infrastructure and created a self-service culture. This movement has enabled developers to go from code-to-cloud in hours, which has been a phenomenal advancement for organizations. Where AppSec teams are struggling is that legacy AppSec systems and processes are known to impede security teams from being able to scale at the speed of their development counterparts. This has led to a lack of visibility or control over security risks and AppSec teams are completely unprepared to govern and secure the modern SDLC. Additionally, we cannot expect developers to be security experts on top of their core goals. Organizations should however empower their developers by giving them access to secure frameworks, libraries, and defaults, making the most secure option the easiest choice. Security guardrails are designed to help organizations do exactly that.
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Number 9: Ownership – Security Guardrails Series
In a modern world where applications are being shipped faster than ever, ownership is the foundation (oh yes we are making that claim and we really mean it) for application security folks to keep up with development teams. Think about it in just one example (out of many) of a code related incident where there is a vulnerability and your application security team (of like two people) have to track down who the heck last touched that piece of code. Nigh impossible!
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Number 10: Tags – Security Guardrails Series
If you haven’t read our intro blog on What the heck are Security Guardrails and why are they important? no worries, we are going to dive into Tags and why they are number 10 on our list of the top 10 most important security guardrails to implement in your SDLC. So, here is NUMBER 10 on our list of Security Guardrails to implement: TAGS!!!
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What the heck are Security Guardrails and why are they important?
So, let’s start off by just letting anyone reading this know…there are going to be ten other blogs in this series around security guardrails (look at the end of the blog for all of the links as we release them). We will address the top ten we think are most important. We are open to having a healthy discussion if you disagree on the ranking, if we left any out, or just want to have a beverage and chat. Cheers all and thanks for reading this!
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